What does it take to raise confident women in today’s society?

DSC00679Being a young woman in today’s society is not an easy and effortless thing to be. Although there were some attempts by a few brands to use the media to tell women that they are sufficient  just by being themselves, the messages that we are not good enough as women are still predominant. Based on many conducted surveys, young women are faced with the challenge of belonging in the society and, in order to feel accepted, some of them go to extreme measures.

What we know for sure is that positive self esteem is a key source to change the way women look at themselves. Confidence attracts excellence and vice-versa. What does it take to raise confident women in today’s society?


Investing in education for girls is one major component in overcoming the self esteem struggle. However, if we still use the same teaching methods that were used centuries ago we will not be able to see positive results, we will not be able to disrupt a movement or revolutionize the way young women will be influenced to learn about themselves and their roles in society.  Education has to become main concern at home with parental involvement.  Parents need to take a stand in their daughters’  learning and teaching young women to read between the lines is crucial to how they will see the world and themselves.  21st Century Learning is an important factor which is overseen in schools today. Books still reflect the men of the society from the past who are recognized as innovators while the women who’ve made an equal or greater impact have been neglected.


Thank You For A Great Year! We Are One Year Old!

Message from our Founder, Doina Oncel:

HV 1 yrOne year ago on Valentine’s Day I made a big leap in incorporating our organization. On February 14, 2013 it was official, we were in business. What a great feeling that was! I remember that day thinking that now Valentine’s Day has a special meaning for me. This organization was built on love, passion and dedication. The willingness to make an impact for the next generation is stronger than anything else. So far, hEr VOLUTION has been the biggest accomplishment for me. The past 12 months had been nothing but hard work and dedication to ensure that we are on the road to success. There were many challenges along the way as many of the projects were executed with no funding, however nothing is impossible when motivation is there. Personally, I feel that the support that came along the way via Social Media, referrals and word of mouth, was a major reason why I felt that I am on the right track moving forward. Our volunteers that made a difference during the summer, and some of them looking to return during time off of school, were inspiring me to move forward. More

Embracing Adventure, Achieving Success


“Robotic operator and aerospace engineer Natalie Panek celebrates the inspirational female adventurers who have turned their enthusiasm for outdoor pursuits into a career, considering how embracing a sense of adventure could assist women to succeed in all areas of business, enabling self-discovery, leadership skills and confidence in risk-taking. ”

-You can check out the full article, available online here!