Who’s behind STEM Summer Programs this year?

The proverb goes: If you want to go fast, go alone. if you want to go far, go together. We are going far and we will go together. With that said, let us introduce to you some of the people behind our summer camps. This week we will introduce you to Emily Sherret.

Emily grew up in a small military community in the Ottawa Valley and moved to Toronto for college. She is currently a student at Centennial College studying Energy Systems Engineering. She is passionate about the environment and enjoys photography during her spare time.

Emily got involved with hEr VOLUTION’s camps because she was looking for an opportunity to give back to the community. Over the years she was given opportunities and mentorship that shaped her and her career path. As being a female in a male-dominated industry, she believes it is important to provide girls with knowledge to pursue careers. Emily whole heartily believes in this program and what it provides for young girls. She likes the fact that there are subsidies available to allow girls with a variety of economic backgrounds to participate in the programs. As everyone should have equal access and opportunity to education.

Emily is part of the team that organized the daily activities for the Kids Engineering the Future and Girls Engineering the Future camps. The team has also reached out to organizations (ex. companies, schools, non-profits) to promote the camps and fill the spaces with kids looking to learn what we are promoting. If you haven’t registered already, please do so as our programs have the capacity for a small group and we usually fill our spots very fast.

When asked “What should people expect from the STEM camps?” She answered: People should expect an exciting week with a variety of different activities that are fun and educational. With lots of topics to dip your feet in, you might be inspired on a future career path.

If you would like to further connect with Emily, find her on LinkedIn.


Wow, look how far we’ve come!

It has been an exciting couple of weeks and we are SO grateful for your support. THANK YOU to our donors so far!

With your help, we were able to raise a total of $395!!! If you haven’t donated yet and wish to, please see the link to our gofund.me page here http://bit.ly/GOFundMe2019  

Thank you for your support! 


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