🔜 Less than 2 weeks to submit your STEMing UP applications 💻

The applications for the STEMing UP Program are closing soon, June 15, 2021, applications submitted after that will be put on the waiting list.

Some exciting news to know about before you apply:

STEMing UP 2021 Program Timeline

For the first time ever, we will be extending the program for students so that they can work on their projects beyond the program.

Students asked for an extension to their learning in the program and some have worked on their own to finish their projects for extra learning opportunities, so we have changed the program to better suit the participants.

One of our goals has always been to provide participants with the opportunity to extend their skills and work on their projects from the beginning to the end. With that, they will have an extra valuable skill to add to their resume to support their post-secondary education and scholarship applications and when they are ready to start, this will help them with their career journey. 

What Does This Mean?

The participants will have the opportunity to work beyond the program for a couple of extra months to finalize their projects. Each team from each cohort will be assigned a business challenge and they will engage in a “healthy” competition with each other.

At the end of 4 weeks, the challenge partner along with a panel of judges will select the winning solution from each team. That means that the winning solution is selected to be finalized, however, the other team can join and they, too, can work with a team of experts and learn just as much from them. 

What You Need To Know:

  • A stipend will be provided to each student
  • A WiFi subsidy for each participant 
  • This program is free for low income 

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