Aria Forrest Nominated for The 2014 Canadian Living Me to We Awards

When we first began our journey with hEr VOLUTION last year, we had a small but dedicated team ready to support our efforts to create opportunities for girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) and some of our youngest day-one supporters were the kids from the Give The Kids A Voice blog. We are proud to announce that Aria, the blog’s founder has been nominated for a 2014 Canadian Living, Me to We Award for Youth in Action (12 and under) and we can’t think of a more deserving young person.

If you’re not familiar with this active kids blog, it’s run by local kid activist and aspiring journalist Aria Forrest and her ‘team’ which consists of her younger brother, sister and some of her friends. Aria launched her blog when she was only 5, after seeing her mom working from home as a journalist. Aria had a natural interest in documenting her adventures and sharing them on the Internet and we’re very happy to support her through our programs.


Over the past 3 years Aria and her crew have documented their big city adventures on the blog and Aria also uses it as a space to talk about important issues like anti bullying, ending human trafficking and of course, STEM! Aria participated in almost all of our first year programs with hEr VOLUTION and was always an active participant, demonstrating to other kids how to listen, learn, ask questions and make new friends along the way.


Congratulations on your Me to We nomination Aria, we can’t think of a young person who deserves this recognition more and we look forward to continuing to work with you at our upcoming Science, Tech & Math events this summer.

Please take a moment to visit the awards nomination page and consider voting for Aria Forrest in the Youth in Action (12 and under) category and feel free to tweet us to let us know, so we can return the mention. @hervolution @KidsaVoice


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