Alexio™ Corporation is Breaking Down Barriers by Becoming the Bronze Sponsor for Women in STEM Conference



Doina Oncel, Founder/CEO

504- 101 Roehampton Ave,

Toronto, ON M4P 2W2


September 19, 2018

(Toronto, ON) – hEr VOLUTION is proud to announce Alexio™ Corporation, as a new Bronze Sponsor for the 2nd annual Canadian Women in STEM Conference; Breaking Down Barriers: Unleashing the Power of Inclusion.

Headquartered in Markham, Ontario, the Alexio™ Corporation team includes Anne Genge, CEO, a Certified Information Privacy Professional with a specialization in dentistry. She also holds certifications for HIPAA Security and PCI Compliance. With over 20 years of experience, Anne knows the challenges healthcare providers face with technology. She and her team work with dental and medical professionals across Canada to minimize data risk and maximize patient care.

“ I was lucky. I was raised to believe I could do anything. My mother was a warrior in education and equality, and at a young age my father put a hammer in my hand and taught me to drive a farm tractor.

Then something happened. As I entered the workforce in my early 20’s that I came up against the reality that the rest of the world wasn’t always going to appreciate or support my competencies, because I was a woman.

Faced with continued roadblocks and cynicism I endured and succeeded in the technology sector because of the deep roots of strength planted in me at a young age. 

When we as women achieve success in non-traditional industries, we need to pass on the tools. I am grateful to be a small part of the mission of hEr VOLUTION in providing so many great opportunities and support for our younger female generation.” says Anne Genge, CEO of Alexio™ Corporation.

Based in Toronto, Canada, hEr VOLUTION is the go-to place for youth, particularly young women from underserved communities to come to in order to advance in 21st Century Skills. We exist to create opportunities for the next generation of women in STEM connecting them with leaders in the industry for career support. We listen to the needs of the community and that of the STEM industry to better help the next generation of underserved youth, with a focus on young women to enter STEM. 

“ We are delighted to have Alexio™ Corporation support our conference this year. It is because of companies such as Alexio™ Corporation under the leadership of Anne Genge, a woman in STEM who clearly understands the importance of mentoring and leading by example that we are able to create opportunities for students and STEM professionals to come together and open up dialogue on important topics such as LGBTQA+ and Innovation in STEM fields” says Doina Oncel, CEO and Founder at hEr VOLUTION.

hEr VOLUTION is looking forward to making further impact in STEM fields, particularly to promote STEM-related activities and career options to young women and girls from the underserved communities from Ontario. 


hEr VOLUTION is a not for profit organization providing innovative education and employment services to girls and young women in STEM. Our mission is to advance education by providing workshops and instructional seminars on topics relating to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for low income and marginalized youth with a focus on girls and young women.

For more information, visit

For interview requests for or quotes from hEr VOLUTION contact:

Doina Oncel


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