City of Toronto continues to take a major step forward to support the next generation of girls through the proclamation of hEr VOLUTION’s GO!stem Week

TORONTO, August 7, 2020 – For the second year in a row, hEr VOLUTION received Strategic Protocol Message from City of Toronto Mayor, John Tory to officially welcome Toronto to GO!stem Week.


“We are very excited for the continuous recognition and support from the Mayor of Toronto, John Tory for the GO!stem Week which we will host this year for two consecutive weeks to help accommodate the virtual programming from which we had to pivot due to COVID-19. We have learned during this pandemic that technological skills are now more crucial than ever, and we are very grateful that the Mayor has joined us by officially sending a letter of proclamation of this event.” says hEr VOLUTION Founder, Doina Oncel.

Research shows that underrepresentation of Black and racialized women in STEM is still an issue in Canada and it is through programs like GO!stem where the industry joins to support us to ensure that the future of work is ready for the new world.

We’ve been working with Salesforce Women’s Network for 6 years in a row to bring together the GO!stem Program to girls interested in learning about technology in a fun and exciting way. Through this partnership we were able to deliver this program to over 150 girls from GTA. This year we will be hosting the GO!stem Program with Salesforce from August 10 to August 14, 2020 and girls in the program will be introduced to HTML, CSS, Java and Python learning.

This year, we are excited to be joined by GM Canada to help us expand the access to technology and innovative learning to a wider group of young women from across Ontario and we expect to have 30 young women, from August 17 to August 21, 2020 learn from GM professionals about technology and innovation through the GO!stem with GM Canada virtual program.

Additionally, given that this is the inaugural year for our Ambassador Program, where we welcome young women to share their voices and gain leadership skills, with 50% of them being former hEr VOLUTION students, we are very happy that the GO!stem Program has been a great learning experience for them as well and their involvement goes as far as planning and executing some of the lessons in this program as well.



hEr VOLUTION is an award-winning charitable organization providing innovative education and employment services to girls and young women in STEM. Our mission is to advance education by providing workshops and instructional seminars on topics relating to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for low income and marginalized youth with a focus on girls and young women.

For more information, visit

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