STEMing UP 2020 Project Demos (JavaScript Cohort)

How did you enjoy the project demos from the Python cohort that we sent last week? We included another treat for you in this email below. Please check out the project demos from this year’s STEMing UP JavaScript cohort. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay informed of all of our updates (we don’t always share them on here)


STEMing UP 2020 Project Demo – ChatEasy

STEMing UP 2020 – JavaScript Group 2 presenting their solution to this year’s COVID-19 challenge “Care for our Seniors”


STEMing UP 2020 Project Demo – Fit2getThere

STEMing UP 2020 – JavaScript Group 1 presenting their solution to this year’s COVID-19 challenge “Youth Mental Health In Pandemic/Crisis”


STEMing UP 2020 Project Demo – Unwind Your Mind

STEMing UP 2020 – JavaScript Group 3 presenting their solution to this year’s COVID-19 challenge “Care for our Seniors”

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